Posted by nadina
Posted on 12th June 2019
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Parafix is very proud of our valued supplier, 3M, for launching their new environmental initiative: Sustainability Value Commitment. As a part of this initiative, all new products will have a formal requirement to demonstrate how the product drives the impact for the greater good.
Given that 3M launces roughly 1,000 new products each year and that about 1/3 of their revenue comes from products launched within the last 5 years, the impact of this initiative will grow rapidly.
New 3M products will include a commitment to responsible sourcing, renewable materials, recyclability and energy and water savings, among others.
As the work of 3M extends beyond adhesive tapes, they will also include products with a core purpose of helping to solve environmental problems, such as improving air quality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving worker and patient safety in healthcare and industrial settings.
We look forward to working with their new adhesive tapes as 3M Preferred Converter and being a part of this initiative.
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