Posted by newparafix
Posted on 1st June 2009
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Waste management may not be the most exciting topic a company can talk about, but as inhabitants of a small country with finite space for disposing of our waste, any progress in the reduction of waste is a good thing, especially in the traditionally heavy waste producing manufacturing sector.
Thankfully, Parafix is more streamlined and efficient than many businesses and, as part of its continued commitment to drive efficiency through the workplace, has introduced the following new processes following a review of waste management.
“Design out” waste at the product or process design stage.
Parafix prides itself on its lean manufacturing, and continued improvements in process design (with both new quotations and existing builds) reducing manufacturing and wastage minimising raw material costs.
Reduction in volume of wastage produced
50% of Parafix’s manufacturing wastage can be compacted prior to disposal, and the purchase of a compactor unit has generated a 27% reduction in the cost of waste disposal.
Reduction in off-cut wastage
The waste management review was able to further improve the management of off-cuts of raw material by setting out a tougher policy on when waste should be disposed, so that the revised policy has been able to utilise smaller off-cuts that may previously have been scrapped.
Re-use of plastic cores
Following an NVQ level 3 project, one of Parafix’s machine operators identified an opportunity to reduce waste by reusing the strong plastic cores on rotary jobs, with the result that the company now asks customers to return the cores for future production.
Eliminate landfill wastage
Parafix takes recycling very seriously. Paper, card & pallets have for many years been recycled. Where products cannot be recycled, Parafix further commits to the environment by operating a non-landfill wastage policy.
The improvements identified are in addition to the ongoing dedication to recycling and waste reduction. Paper reduction in the office through the use of e-faxing, archive reporting and scanning has been in place since the technology was available and Parafix continues to look for new ways to reduce waste.
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