Posted by newparafix
Posted on 18th January 2015
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Parafix’s continuing support of STEMnet South East received a boost this month when its STEM Ambassador, Julian Bond, was forwarded for consideration for the STEM Awards for his work with STEMnet South East. Julian’s work has included judging the regional finals of NSEC (National Science and Engineering Competition), working with local schools and providing the Brighton Maker Faire with the first of its “Technical Helpers”, a role designed to help the Makers explain the technical side of their work to the General Public. Future projects to be supported through Ambassador involvement include After School Science Clubs and IMechE’s Slot Car Challenge.
While Julian was not awarded STEM Ambassador of the Year, he was “Highly Commended” for his work, followed by a request to ask if he was free to do some CREST (Creativity in Engineering Science and Technology) assessments. CREST assignments have been likened to STEM’s answer to the Duke of Edinburgh awards and involve the students doing some 70 hours on a project or research. This is designed to highlight some real world aspect of a STEM subject. This award is one of the few things that can be mentioned as an achievement on their UCAS personal statements.
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